
AH! I've been looking for a photo, not sure of what, on flickr for the last hour or so. Of course I get sucked into the all the baby pictures! Here is my favorite photographer: Check her out! She is a genius with texture and textile choices. Looking at all these beautiful newborns makes me want one of my own!

Le premier post

Hello all!

I would like to thank Amy for inspiring this new blog. I've had a few in the past, yet it's been hard to keep them going. No promises for this blog either :). Although what's great isthere are other fellows I know blogging, so A) I can read their posts and B) they can read mine!

Now a little about myself...

First I'd like to explain my blog title, Moon.Violet.Pigments. These three words are things I love and are part of who I am. As many women do, I feel a connection to our moon. Over thousands of years, women abided by the lunar cycle physically and socially. But mostly I embrace the lunar cycle as a metaphor for change. I chose Violet simply because it is my favorite color. Not a very insightful descriptor. Last, I struggled to find a word that would sum up my artistic passions. Paint- no, art- too general... finally pigments seemed to sum it all up and had a nice ring to it.

There you go: Moon.Violet.Pigments

Right now, I'm a 19 yr old college student at a small liberal arts school. I love the close knit atmosphere more than expected. I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing that as of now I have a clear vision what I'd like to study. Sure I couldn't answer the cliche question "what are you going to do with your degree?" but I have found a home in quaint but growing art department and established french department. Some say "so you're going to teach art in France?" Sure. Sounds like a possibility. Others say, "wha???" But most are content and know I'm pursuing the passions that make me who I am. This leads me to say...

I am a person who's foundation is made upon the emotional, connective, and spiritual aspects of life. Some may find it overwhelming or illogical but its who I am. I spend more time thinking about my feelings, others' states of being, big life questions than thinking about President Obama's economic agenda or calories in a Snicker Bar. It has made me creative, compassionate, and spontaneous. I have a big heart for almost everyone.

Enough with this autobiographical ramble. I guess It was important for myself and future readers to know where I come from. I apologize if this isn't very well written, but what can you expect when one tries to cover such a broad topic.

Written with love,

Hello All! I am a daughter, a student, a learner, a friend, a dreamer, a hiker, a biker, a swimmer, an artist, a poet, a film lover...
Enjoy my posts about ideas, experiences, laughs, growth, outrage. Peace be with you.
