Le Fin A Blogger

Hi all,

Im ending my blog at blogger. Instead I moved to Wordpress: http://moonvioletpigments.wordpress.com/. Mostly because of comment problems.



here's my list of things I want to do or try before I die:

Sail across a major sea

get a tattoo

dread my hair

shave my head

master tarrot cards

take up some sort of martial arts

live off the grid

performance art

live in NYC

Gain deul citizenship somewhere

Raise farm animals

have a child

adopt/rescue an animal


...to be continued


Not to toot my horn here and say my posts deserve millions of comments, but I've been told by some that they haven't been able to comment. I looked through my settings and seem to have found a possible reason why. On my comment settings I had given permission to only OpenID/Registered bloggers. I went ahead and switched it so that anyone can add comments.

Hope that helped!


Hey momma

hey momma,
i want to be a kid
a kid
a kid

hey momma,
in your shelter
ill play you a song
on my cello
ill play real well

smooth notes
smooth notes

hey momma,
whats the world like?
is it real? like they say?
my strings don't play
the same way

rigged notes
sour notes

hey momma,
i'll stay here
in your womb
in your sweet sigh

that wraps around me
till i play

smooth notes
smooth notes


Have you ever grieved for your past self? Or felt on some level you were different, as if that person is not you?

I find myself pausing, every so often... to just grieve.

I justify these recollections as a duty to myself- those melancholic, or more tragic, moments that felt at one time like the only crack in my foundation. Now they've slipped, along with other grains of sand, through my loosening grasp to settle - to resolve.
But isn't that what time does? It pacifies.

These little f ragm ents of me, static, and dug out from the misc. drawer labled "past"
I grieve, as if to pick up the pieces, to make sense of time in frame for the future

Natural Hair

So it's been over six months since I last dyed my hair. Free at last! Thank God Almighty I'm free at last - from the bondage that is hair dye I mean. For once there are no unsightly roots, and best yet my "virgin" hair feels silky smooth that even my mom noticed an improvement. Another bonus: while some darker, redder dyes look chic (for a while), the natural tones my body produces suits my complexion best. Thanks Mother Nature.

Now, my next step was to find a product that could cleanse my hair but would be safe to go down the drain. I've been concious about water lately. How much ive been drinking, to the lack of it, to what pollutes it. After researching product after product, and realizing the benefits of oils, plus the absence of sulfates/silicons, I picked out Aubrey Organics White Camellia Ultra-Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner. Despite the long name, there is significantly less junk in the bottle than say Aussie products(yay). Warned that some natural hair cleansers have an off-smell, I was very pleased with the sweet but sutle scent of White Camellia. I also purchaced Toms peppermint toothpaste, lavender deoderant, Natures Gate Lavender and Aloe body wash and Dr. Bronners soap. Quite a bit of new products but I was feeling impulsive, yet knew Toms was a good line.

I was so excited to jump in the shower once I arrived home! I'll not ramble on about my showering process, except I used a comb to detangle and thouroughly spread the shampoo/conditioner. WOW! My hair has never felt so silky after one use! I have thick, somewhat coarse, wavy/curly hair and with most comerical products I rinse my hair disappointed. As my strands dried, I was worried my hair would look greasy. Nope, not the case. I will say I knoticed my hair dried differently than with the usual chemical products. Not bad, but slower. Oh I should mention: I bought a traveler's size B5 hair gel from Aubreys and it had a more "sting the noze" concentrated scent. It made me miss the Camillia scent. :(. Fortunately I wore off pretty quick as my hair dryed.

The Nature's Gate body wash was luxurious! Unlike my usual Dove body wash, there wasn't a strong scent left on my skin, but a pleasing, subtle scent. And the Tom's Lavender deoderant, hold one let me sniff, YES! It still smells good. No wait, GREAT!

Ha. So I may be on a little high that my body is now "pure". ;)

The only worry I have is that over time my hair will appear greasy. I guess normal shampoos build up too so I hope that the absence of chemicals will look better anyway.

For now I'll look forward to each shower and keep my results updated.


AH! I've been looking for a photo, not sure of what, on flickr for the last hour or so. Of course I get sucked into the all the baby pictures! Here is my favorite photographer: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23939209@N06/sets/72157606988521547/. Check her out! She is a genius with texture and textile choices. Looking at all these beautiful newborns makes me want one of my own!

Le premier post

Hello all!

I would like to thank Amy for inspiring this new blog. I've had a few in the past, yet it's been hard to keep them going. No promises for this blog either :). Although what's great isthere are other fellows I know blogging, so A) I can read their posts and B) they can read mine!

Now a little about myself...

First I'd like to explain my blog title, Moon.Violet.Pigments. These three words are things I love and are part of who I am. As many women do, I feel a connection to our moon. Over thousands of years, women abided by the lunar cycle physically and socially. But mostly I embrace the lunar cycle as a metaphor for change. I chose Violet simply because it is my favorite color. Not a very insightful descriptor. Last, I struggled to find a word that would sum up my artistic passions. Paint- no, art- too general... finally pigments seemed to sum it all up and had a nice ring to it.

There you go: Moon.Violet.Pigments

Right now, I'm a 19 yr old college student at a small liberal arts school. I love the close knit atmosphere more than expected. I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing that as of now I have a clear vision what I'd like to study. Sure I couldn't answer the cliche question "what are you going to do with your degree?" but I have found a home in quaint but growing art department and established french department. Some say "so you're going to teach art in France?" Sure. Sounds like a possibility. Others say, "wha???" But most are content and know I'm pursuing the passions that make me who I am. This leads me to say...

I am a person who's foundation is made upon the emotional, connective, and spiritual aspects of life. Some may find it overwhelming or illogical but its who I am. I spend more time thinking about my feelings, others' states of being, big life questions than thinking about President Obama's economic agenda or calories in a Snicker Bar. It has made me creative, compassionate, and spontaneous. I have a big heart for almost everyone.

Enough with this autobiographical ramble. I guess It was important for myself and future readers to know where I come from. I apologize if this isn't very well written, but what can you expect when one tries to cover such a broad topic.

Written with love,

Hello All! I am a daughter, a student, a learner, a friend, a dreamer, a hiker, a biker, a swimmer, an artist, a poet, a film lover...
Enjoy my posts about ideas, experiences, laughs, growth, outrage. Peace be with you.
